Dear friends,
In this newsletter, we will share the following:
- Director’s Message.
- Kisumu KG Latrine Construction
- A Bridge to Lana Reese Preschool update
- Church Growth in Roben Jirecha
- Efforts to Increase H.S. Graduates
- The Director’s Message:
Mr. Seifu Ibssa
As we conclude 2024 and look forward to the new year of 2025, I can’t help but reflect on the almost 20 years of giving to communities in Ethiopia and Kenya, and how much of a difference your hard-earned money has made in the lives of so many. I am reminded of the 98 college graduates, the teachers we hired, the high school students we educated, the countless men, women and children (and cattle) to whom we provided clean water, on and on. It has been quite a journey.
As any organization would, we have been through ups and downs of this small but high achieving organization. The challenges we faced during the Pandemic comes to mind. The most recent challenge was when I went to Ethiopia this past September. The security issues prevented me from visiting our project sites and I had to meet with partners in Addis Ababa. Through it all, I thank God for His Grace, for your friendship and for all the sacrifices you made to get us through these and other challenges.
I know deep in my heart that neither the Board nor I could have achieved all those without your unwavering commitment to help others whom you have never met except through us. I am eternally grateful for friends like you who partnered with us. You and the Board gave all you can – your time, your money and your prayerful support. Thank you so very much!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
2. Kisumu KG Latrine Construction:
Children at the Purpose Driven School in Kisumu, Kenya, have begun using the latrine recently constructed with the help of EAVO. The facility has restrooms for boys, girls and teachers, as well as shower room. This is quite an upgrade from a single hole where everyone had to take turns to use. Here is part of Samuel’s email note to us: “We are so thankful to you and EAVO donors. Honestly deep within us, we feel grateful to have you as our partners. You sacrificed a lot for many years to enable Purpose Driven school grow. Without your support and commitment, we couldn't have achieved all these alone”.
Latrine constructed at Purpose Driven school in Kenya
3. A Bridge to Lana Reese Preschool:
We are so grateful to you for responding to our request to fund the construction of the bridge for Lana Preschool.
The community was able to purchase rebar with the funds we sent.
We are informed that parents will be contributing more and start the construction in the new year. We will give you an update once the bridge construction is complete.
Community meeting in Acheber about the bridge
4. Church Growth in Roben Jirecha:
One of EAVO’s objectives is to reach communities with the Word of God. Members of the community in Roben Jirecha heard the good news of Jesus Christ and joined the local church in baptism. Their children are among the community’s children that we educate with an eye for a more balanced life in their physical and spiritual wellbeing as they grow older.
Ready for water baptism in the river
5. Efforts to Increase H.S. Graduates:
Efforts are under way to help Acheber High School students pass the national exam so they can become eligible to attend colleges. The District has replaced the current Principal with a new, hardworking Principal. To help him with his efforts, EAVO has hired a tutor who is currently doing an excellent job, according to the new principal’s report.
EAVO’s tutor (6th from left) with high school students
Oh, one more thing….
Please keep us in mind as you make your Year-End donations. We will make sure you get a tax-deductible receipt to help with your 2024 taxes.
Our Tax ID is 36-4593083
Thank you!
Mail your Tax-Deductible Gifts to:
East African Village Outreach (EAVO)
9688 Ashstone Way
Elk Grove, CA 95624
Or donate online at