You Can Find Our Mission Statement Here:  http://eavo.nationbuilder.com/

Who is EAVO?


A small group of ordinary people with a vision to make a little difference in East Africa. Our Board of Directors consists of three Americans, three Ethiopian born Americans, and one Ethiopian resident.

Is EAVO a recognized organization?


Yes. We are headquartered in Sacramento, incorporated by the State of California, and are an IRS 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) not for profit organization.

What are our short and long term goals?


To meet various physical needs in remote rural village areas through humanitarian efforts. A long term goal is a Church plant that is conceived and requested by the people.

Is EAVO affiliated with a church?


We are a non-denominational faith based organization. We have partnered with two denominations in Ethiopia (Harvest Church of God – Ethiopia (HCGE) and the Guenet Church of Ethiopia) for some of our projects. Both denominations are members of the Evangelical Church Fellowhip Ethiopia. In Kenya we work with “Malaria Source Reduction” – a self-help group.

What part of Africa do we work in?


At present we have projects in three village areas in the Gurage Highlands of Ethiopia and one small support project in Kajulu village near Kisumu, Kenya.

Can my support dollars be designated for a particular area of need?

Absolutely. Click Get Involved for more information.

What percent of the donated funds actually reach the villages?


About 97%. Operating expenses, from postage to travel, is out of pocket from each member and we receive no compensation. For accounting, certain administrative costs, such as wire transfer fees, must come out of our EAVO account.

What are some examples of “community needs” that EAVO addresses?


Safe water development projects (spring protection, bore holes), support for existing schools, establishment of a school, education projects, support for village clinics, our own medical clinics, solar cooking methods, support of evangelists, Bibles in local languages, reforestation, reading glasses, mosquito nets, etc.

How are the needs of a village determined?


EAVO does not intend to act as the sole determiner of need, or who will be served. We are respectful to the local government, village elders, and we “listen” to the people before jointly establishing priorities.