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Dear friends,
We hope and pray that you and your family are keeping safe during this unprecedented times of COVID-19 pandemic. For many families, it has been a time of reflection / bonding with each other. We hope that is the case with you and your family as well.
In this issue, we will bring you updates from Ethiopia and the effects of the pandemic for our ministry.
Preschool Construction:
We reported that we received 5,000 square meters of land in Acheber town for the purpose of building a preschool and Community Center. Many thanks to the generous donation of Mrs. Beverly Norton, The Paraklete Foundation and you, our faithful partners. Harvest Church of God (our partner in Ethiopia) has just completed the foundation, walls, roof, doors and windows. The floor and many other finishing jobs are yet to be completed. Please consider donating to help with the completion of the school and start the construction of the community center.
No Graduation Pictures:
Sadly, we don’t have college graduation pictures to share with you this year. Schools in Ethiopia have been closed to minimize the spread of Covid19. As a result, 48 college and 64 high school students (11th and 12th graders) that EAVO supports have been out of school. Once vaccinations are available, students will repeat the same grade (or year in which they were in college).
For the Record:
Just as a reminder, thanks to your generosity, EAVO has been able to accomplish a great deal in partnership with village leaders and churches:
7 Water sources have been protected, giving thousands of people healthy clean water.
- 6 Preschools have been built and supported, 2 schools upgraded and 1 high school built in partnership with the District government, giving several thousand children a good start in their education.
63 college students have graduated since the beginning of our high school / college programs. These young people will help lead Ethiopia in Health Care, Education, Environmental Protection, Engineering, and Economic Development of the country for years to come.
- Over 2,700 apple trees have been distributed to help farmers expand crop yields and improve their quality of life.
- Many of the poorest in these communities have benefited from benevolence gifts to become productive members of their communities.
Please pray for Ethiopia.
Recently, the south and south-eastern part of the country has been rocked by civil unrest, ethnic-based killings and some religious persecutions from extremist Muslims to evangelical and Orthodox Christians. Many Christians have been hiding inside Orthodox churches; others have camped out in the compounds of Orthodox churches. Please continue to pray for Ethiopia.
“Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God”. Psalms 68:31
Meet the Team / Board Members
Dr. Olana Aberra, Board Chairman: A physician at Kaiser Permanente and lives in the Sacramento region with his wife and children.
Adele Ohs, Secretary: Retired Education Consultant, lives with her husband Skip in Sacramento.
Harold (Skip) Ohs, Treasurer: Retired US Air Force officer, lives with his wife Adele.
Jim Reese, co-founder and board member: A retired high school teacher, lives in Sacramento.
Mary Staples, co-founder and board member: lives in Arizona with her husband.
Aberra Damessa, board member: is retired and lives with his wife in the Sacramento region.
Jaime Major: Board member: Lives with her husband and two children in the Sacramento region.
Seifu Ibssa, Exec. Director, Board member & co-founder: Financial systems consultant, lives with his wife and their sons in the Sacramento region.
Mail your Tax-Deductible Gifts to:
East African Village Outreach (EAVO)
9688 Ashstone Way
Elk Grove, CA 95624
You can also donate online at: